Registered Sources
Basic ACDP
General ACDP
Simple ACDP
Standard ACDP
Title V Operating
Air Permit Holders
Active Permit Holders
Air Contaminant Discharge Permits (ACDPs) are used to regulate minor sources of air contaminant emissions. LRAPA’s permits are categorized into different grouping based on the complexity of the permit. Each category is listed below, starting with the most simplistic permit type and progressing to the most complex.
Facilities outside Lane County are regulated by the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality’s air quality division.
Source Number – This is the number assigned to a single source in Lane County. Once this number is assigned to a source it cannot be changed regardless of changes in ownership or business name.
Facility Name – This is the public name of the facility or business that holds an air permit.
Permit – This is the air permit for a facility. Air permits are legally binding documents written by LRAPA, that include enforceable requirements that the owner/operator of the facility must comply with.
Review Report – The review report provides the legal and factual basis for conditions described in a permit. It’s a supporting document which contains information such as compliance history, reasoning and calculations used to write the permit, and justifications for conditions set within a permit.
Registered Sources
auto body, surface coating, and Dry cleaning facilities in Lane County Return to TopA few facilities in the dry cleaning and motor vehicle surface coating categories have an area source registration rather than a general permit. Facilities on an area source registration have lower annual permit fees but must comply with additional requirements not found in the general permit for their source category. Rules for registered sources can be found in Title 34 of LRAPA’s rules.
Click here for the 2022 Air Quality Compliance Calendar for Dry Cleaning Facilities in Lane County, Oregon.
Below are registered auto body, surface coating, and Dry cleaning facilities in Lane County.