[Company Name]

Cleaner Air Oregon Profile

Site Address
311 Chambers St,
Eugene, Oregon, 97402


Current Air Permit
Permit Type: Simple ACDP
Source Number: 200058


LRAPA Contact
Jonathan Wright
541-736-1056, ext. 236

[Company Name]


Arcimoto, Inc. is an electric vehicle company headquartered in Eugene, Oregon that manufactures and sells tandem two-seat, three-wheeled electric vehicles. Production of these electric vehicles consists of fabrication, welding, coating, and assembly. Arcimoto is new facility in Lane County and moving through the Cleaner Air Oregon program prior to being issued a Simple Air Contaminant Discharge Permit (ACDP).

Emissions Inventory

For an introduction to emissions inventories and why they matter, please see EPA’s Fact Sheet. A facility-specific emissions inventory timeline and associated documents are linked below.

Arcimoto is a new source, meaning the facility is not yet operating in Lane County and must complete a Cleaner Air Oregon Risk Assessment prior to being issued an air permit. The following Cleaner Air Oregon documentation was provided to LRAPA with the submission of their Simple Air Contaminant Discharge Permit application.

November 5, 2021: Arcimoto submits Cleaner Air Oregon Application to LRAPA.

January 19, 2022: Arcimoto submits Plant Site Emission Summary

Modeling Protocol & Risk Assessment

Arcimoto is a new source, meaning the facility is not yet operating in Lane County and must complete a Cleaner Air Oregon Risk Assessment prior to being issued an air permit. The following Cleaner Air Oregon documentation was provided to LRAPA with the submission of their Simple Air Contaminant Discharge Permit application.

November 5, 2021: Arcimoto submits Cleaner Air Oregon Application to LRAPA.

Risk Assessment Report

Arcimoto is a new source, meaning the facility is not yet operating in Lane County and must complete a Cleaner Air Oregon Risk Assessment prior to being issued an air permit. The following Cleaner Air Oregon documentation was provided to LRAPA with the submission of their Simple Air Contaminant Discharge Permit application.

November 5, 2021: Arcimoto submits Cleaner Air Oregon Application to LRAPA.

Risk Reduction Plan

Arcimoto is a new source, meaning the facility is not yet operating in Lane County and must complete a Cleaner Air Oregon Risk Assessment prior to being issued an air permit. A Risk Reduction Plan is not applicable to new sources because they are subject to more stringent Risk Action Levels.

CAO Progress Completed

Arcimoto is a new source, meaning the facility is not yet operating in Lane County and must complete a Cleaner Air Oregon Risk Assessment prior to being issued an air permit. The following Cleaner Air Oregon documentation was provided to LRAPA following review and feedback on Arcimoto original Cleaner Air Oregon documentation provided with the submission of their Simple Air Contaminant Discharge Permit application.

April 25, 2022: LRAPA approves Arcimoto’s Cleaner Air Oregon Application.

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Site Address

311 Chambers St,
Eugene, Oregon, 97402

Current Air Permit

Permit Type: Simple ACDP
Source Number: 200058

LRAPA Contact

Jonathan Wright
541-736-1056, ext. 236



Arcimoto, Inc. is an electric vehicle company headquartered in Eugene, Oregon that manufactures and sells tandem two-seat, three-wheeled electric vehicles. Production of these electric vehicles consists of fabrication, welding, coating, and assembly. Arcimoto is new facility in Lane County and moving through the Cleaner Air Oregon program prior to being issued a Simple Air Contaminant Discharge Permit (ACDP).

Emissions Inventory

For an introduction to emissions inventories and why they matter, please see EPA’s Fact Sheet. A facility-specific emissions inventory timeline and associated documents are linked below.

Arcimoto is a new source, meaning the facility is not yet operating in Lane County and must complete a Cleaner Air Oregon Risk Assessment prior to being issued an air permit. The following Cleaner Air Oregon documentation was provided to LRAPA with the submission of their Simple Air Contaminant Discharge Permit application.

November 5, 2021: Arcimoto submits Cleaner Air Oregon Application to LRAPA.

January 19, 2022: Arcimoto submits Plant Site Emission Summary

Modeling Protocol & Risk Assessment

Arcimoto is a new source, meaning the facility is not yet operating in Lane County and must complete a Cleaner Air Oregon Risk Assessment prior to being issued an air permit. The following Cleaner Air Oregon documentation was provided to LRAPA with the submission of their Simple Air Contaminant Discharge Permit application.

November 5, 2021: Arcimoto submits Cleaner Air Oregon Application to LRAPA.

Risk Assessment Report

Arcimoto is a new source, meaning the facility is not yet operating in Lane County and must complete a Cleaner Air Oregon Risk Assessment prior to being issued an air permit. The following Cleaner Air Oregon documentation was provided to LRAPA with the submission of their Simple Air Contaminant Discharge Permit application.

November 5, 2021: Arcimoto submits Cleaner Air Oregon Application to LRAPA.

Risk Reduction Plan

Arcimoto is a new source, meaning the facility is not yet operating in Lane County and must complete a Cleaner Air Oregon Risk Assessment prior to being issued an air permit. A Risk Reduction Plan is not applicable to new sources because they are subject to more stringent Risk Action Levels.

CAO Progress Completed

Arcimoto is a new source, meaning the facility is not yet operating in Lane County and must complete a Cleaner Air Oregon Risk Assessment prior to being issued an air permit. The following Cleaner Air Oregon documentation was provided to LRAPA following review and feedback on Arcimoto original Cleaner Air Oregon documentation provided with the submission of their Simple Air Contaminant Discharge Permit application.

April 25, 2022: LRAPA approves Arcimoto’s Cleaner Air Oregon Application.

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The Cleaner Air Oregon Process

Cleaner Air Oregon (CAO) is a health-based permitting program that regulates emissions of toxic air contaminants from facilities based on risk to nearby communities. CAO requires facilities to report toxic air contaminant emissions, assess potential health risks to people nearby and reduce toxic air contaminant risk if it exceeds legal limits.

As part of the Cleaner Air Oregon process, each facility has a dedicated web page to provide communities access to facility information and updates on where it is involved in the process.

  • Each step of the CAO risk assessment process has a section that includes LRAPA’s communications and deliverables from the facility.
  • A color-coded graphic shows where a facility is in the Cleaner Air Oregon Process.
  • For additional information and history of the program, visit the DEQ Cleaner Air Oregon website.
Air Quality - Lane Regional Air Pollution Agency