WP File download search FILES CATEGORY All -Board, CAC, Budget Committee--Board of Directors---2021---2020---2022----10 - October----11 - November---2023----01 - January----02 - February----03 - March----04 - April----05 - May----06 - June----07 - July----09 - September Executive Session----09 - September----09 - September Executive Session----09 - September Special Board Meeting----10 - October----11 - November----12 - December---2024----01 - January----02 - February----03 - March----04 - April----05 - May----06 - June----07 - July----09 - September----10 - October----11 - November----08 - August--Budget Committee---Financial Audits---2024---2020---2021---2022----02 - February----03 - March----04 - April---2023----02 - February----03 - March----04 - April--Citizens Advisory Committee---2020---2021---2022----10 - October----11 - November---2023----01 - January----02 - February----03 - March----04 - April----05 - May----06 - June----07 - July----09 - September----10 - October----11 - November---2024----01 - January----02 - February----03 - March----04 - April----05 - May----06 - June----07 - July----09 - September----10 - October----11 - November-Forms--Asbestos--Employment---2024 Environmental Engineer---2024 Public Affairs Manager---2024 Environmental Specialist---2024 Air Quality Inspector--Home Wood Heating---Applications--Operations Forms---Cleaner Air Oregon (CAO) Forms---Air Toxics Emission Inventory (ATEI) Forms---Greenhouse Gas Forms---Basic ACDP Application Forms---Basic ACDP Annual Reporting Forms---General ACDP Application Forms---General ACDP Annual Reporting Forms---Area Source National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) Forms---Land Use Compatibility (LUCS) Forms---Series 100 - Applications, Construction, and Modification Forms---Series 200 - Device and Equipment Forms---Series 300 - Pollution Prevention and Controls Forms---Series 400 - Emission Factors and Material Balance Forms--Outdoor Burning-Information, Factsheets & Reports--Folder for Misc doc & Links--Job Postings---Administrative Manager--Air Quality Attainment--Annual Reports--Cleaner Air Oregon Updates---2022---2021--Director Reports---2020---2021---2022---2023---2024--Enforcement Reports---2020---2021---2022---2023---2024--Factsheets---Outdoor Burning Factsheets---Asbestos Factsheets---Home Wood Heating Factsheets---Purple Air Sensors--Press Releases---2020---2021---2022---2023---2024--Purchasing & Contracts--Title VI Policies and Procedures--Espanol Title VI Policies and Procedures--Yearly Data Summaries---Amazon Park----Ozone----PM2.5----PM10---Cottage Grove----PM2.5---Florence----PM2.5---Highway 99----PM2.5----PM10---Oakridge----PM10----PM2.5---Saginaw----Ozone---Springfield City Hall----PM2.5-Operations Permits & CAO--Registered Sources--Basic Permits--General Non-Gasoline Dispensing Facilities--General Gasoline Dispensing Facilities--Simple ACDP--Standard ACDP--Title V Permits & Review Reports--Facility Reporting Letters & Compliance Calendars---Compliance Calendars---Facility Reporting Letters--Cleaner Air Oregon---Arcimoto, Inc----Emissions Inventory----Risk Reduction Plan----Modeling Protocol & Risk Assessment----Risk Assessment Report---Emerald Forest Products, Inc. Plant #1----Emissions Inventory----Risk Reduction Plan----Modeling Protocol & Risk Assessment----Risk Assessment Report---Hexion, Inc----Emissions Inventory----Risk Reduction Plan----Modeling Protocol & Risk Assessment----Risk Assessment Report---International Paper - Springfield Mill----Emissions Inventory----Risk Reduction Plan----Modeling Protocol & Risk Assessment----Risk Assessment Report---JH Baxter & Co----Emissions Inventory----Risk Reduction Plan----Modeling Protocol & Risk Assessment----Risk Assessment Report---Seneca Sustainable Energy, LLC----Emissions Inventory----Risk Reduction Plan----Modeling Protocol & Risk Assessment----Risk Assessment Report---The Willamette Valley Company----Emissions Inventory----Risk Reduction Plan----Modeling Protocol & Risk Assessment----Risk Assessment Report---Seneca Sawmill Company----Emissions Inventory----Risk Reduction Plan----Modeling Protocol & Risk Assessment----Risk Assessment Report--Miscellaneous Files---2022-Public Notices--2022---204740, Lane County Public Works - Waste Management Division, Short Mountain Landfill---203129, Bakelite---201304, Costco---200023, Aurora---202536, Emerald People's Utility District - Short Mountain Generation Facility---208853, Weyerhaeuser NR Company - Cottage Grove Lumber---208935, The Willamette Valley Company LLC---206117, Jasper Wood Products LLC---206442, Peterson Pacific Corporation---207488, Atkore---200517, Eagle Veneer--2023---202144, Delta Sand & Gravel - Delta Landfill---204754, Lafarge PNW Inc---205108, McFarland---201221, Arclin---General Attachment for Emergency Generators AQGP-050a---207506, SFPP---209600 9Wood---203155, Grain Millers, Inc.---202526, Emerald Forest Products #3---205808, Vista Partners Inc. dba Newood Mfg.---204412, King Retail Solutions, Inc.---200575, Bulk Handling Systems---200502, J.H. Baxter & Co.---208850, International Paper---202805, Forrest Paint Company---202119, Delta Sand & Gravel Co.---208922, Franz Bakery---208256, WeyCo NR Eugene ELP--2024---206460, Pacific Recycling, Inc---204741, Lane Forest Products, Inc.---203141, Attune Foods, LLC---206131, OR CAL---205161, Marathon Coach, Inc.---207459, Seneca Sawmill Company---208932, Willamette Valley Sandblasting---206405, Pierce Fittings Inc.---Rulemaking Permitting Rules---204739, Lanz Cabinet Shop---208557, U of O---205823, Northern Gold Foods---207536, PeaceHealth Riverbend---204745, Glacier Northwest, Inc.---201313, Carry-On Trailer Corporation---203534, Horizon Prestain, Inc.---206130, Oregon Cascade Materials---203103, Murphy Company---202536, EPUD-Current Rules--Rulemaking---2021---2023----Asbestos----Title 47 - Outdoor Burning----Permitting Rules----Annual Fee Updates - July 1st--2024---Annual Permitting Fee Update July 2024---DEQ Rulemaking - Climate Protection Program 2024 Search FILTER CREATION DATE From To UPDATE DATE From To CLEAR ALL CONTINUE