Cleaner Air Oregon ProfileEmerald Forest Products, Inc. Plant #1
As part of the Cleaner Air Oregon process, each facility has a dedicated web page to provide communities access to facility information and updates on where it is involved in the process.
- Each step of the CAO risk assessment process has a section that includes LRAPA’s communications and deliverables from the facility.
- A color-coded graphic shows where a facility is in the Cleaner Air Oregon Process.
- For additional information and history of the program, visit the DEQ Cleaner Air Oregon website.
Document Type | Anticipated Submittal Date | Approval Date |
Emissions Inventory | 5/30/2024 | TBD |
Modeling Protocol | TBD | TBD |
Risk Assessment Report | TBD | TBD |
Risk Reduction Plan | TBD - if needed | TBD - if needed |
CAO Completed | TBD | TBD |

Emissions Inventory
For an introduction to emissions inventories and why they matter, please see EPA’s Fact Sheet. A facility-specific emissions inventory timeline and associated documents are linked below.
January 24, 2024: LRAPA calls International Paper Company (IP) into the program
- LRAPA’s call in letter to International Paper Company (IP).
April 23, 2024: LRAPA approves an extension of the Emissions Inventory (EI) due date to May 31, 2024
May 30, 2024: IP submits their EI to LRAPA
- Emissions Inventory: An Emissions Inventory is a list of each toxic air contaminant regulated under the Cleaner Air Oregon rules that a facility emits in a given year. The Emissions Inventory includes the amount of each toxic air contaminant emitted from each individual emissions-producing activity.
- Categorically Insignificant Activities (Form ED601): Categorically Insignificant Activities are activities that are likely to have insignificant emissions that are not part of a facility’s primary production process. Categorically Insignificant Activities are defined in LRAPA Title 12.
Modeling Protocol & Risk Assessment
Risk Assessment Report
This section will be updated when the facility submits a risk assessment report presenting the results of modeling and calculating health risks from the facility. The risk assessment report undergoes public review.
Risk Reduction Plan
CAO Progress Completed
The International Paper Springfield Mill manufactures linerboard which is sold to produce corrugated boxes and packaging containers. Linerboard manufactured at the facility is produced primarily from wood chips and recycled old, corrugated containers (OCC). The facility uses the Kraft pulping process to convert wood chips into unbleached virgin pulp. The facility also operates a 4-turbine electrical cogeneration power plant which supplies steam for pulp and linerboard production and produces electric power for sale. The facility is located at 801 42nd Street in east Springfield and has produced unbleached paper products since it began operating in 1949. The facility was owned and operated by Weyerhaeuser until 2008, when it was sold to International Paper. Learn more about LRAPA’s regulation of International Paper Company, Springfield Mill by viewing their current air permit documents.
Site Address
801 N 42nd St.
Springfield, OR 97478
Current Air Permit
Permit type: Standard ACPD
Source Number: 208850
LRAPA Contact
Jonathan Wright
541-736-1056, ext. 236
Site Address
Eugene, Oregon, 97402
Current Air Permit
Source Number: 202528
LRAPA Contact
541-736-1056, ext. 231

Emissions Inventory
December 15, 2021: LRAPA calls Emerald Forest Products, Inc. #1 into the program
- LRAPA’s call in letter to EFP#1.
March 4, 2022: Emerald Forest Products, Inc. #1 requests an extension to submit their CAO Emission Inventory.
- EFP#1’s extension request letter.
March 7, 2022: LRAPA approves EFP#1 Emission Inventory extension request with a new deadline of April 15, 2022.
- LRAPA’s extension request approval letter.
April 15, 2022: EFP#1 submits their CAO Emission Inventory by the deadline of April 15,2022.
- EFP#1’s CAO Emission Inventory.
Modeling Protocol & Risk Assessment
Risk Assessment Report
Emerald Forest Products, Inc. Plant #1 is currently in the Emissions Inventory Step of the Cleaner Air Oregon process. This field will be updated once the facility reaches the Modeling Protocol & Risk Assessment portion of CAO.